An issue tracker, in general, can hold a wide variety of meanings depending on the context, in a business context any defect or bug that occurs in process development can be an issue for the project development team. The website issue tracker as the name suggests is a tool or software that assists in identifying
User acceptance testing is a testing methodology that involves clients/end-users to validate the business workflow from start to end. Clients/end users verify the product against their requirements and problems.
Create accessible eLearning content that complies with WCAG standard guidelines and 508 compliance. Accessible eLearning development is important to provide a complete learning experience to users with disabilities.
Innovation in web development is evolving rapidly every year. 5 to 10 years ago no one would have thought that we would be able to build powerful web applications in the browser as we are able to do today. Back in those days, people would use software installed on their local computer or laptop to
eLearning QA checklist for evaluating online eLearning content. With use case scenarios and example for every assessment.
Developed by LambdaTest team, the integration means you no longer have to attach your browser testing screens in email or Skype calls to share with the dev team for fixing. You can easily move your annotated screens in LambdaTest to tasks on zipBoard in a few clicks.
Whether you’re working on a website, network, product, or service, the user experience you provide is one of the most important considerations you need to be thinking about.
Implementing instruction and collaborating with Subject Matters Experts aside, the early stages of planning and designing an effective learning experience are influenced greatly by the Instructional Design strategy employed.
Web designing is all about using the right tools to create a visually stunning website. Every designer relies on at least one or two tools that help them to get things done quickly and efficiently. Though the process of selecting the essential tools might seem a little overwhelming, however, the advantages that come with them