
10 podcasts to learn and get inspiration from in design, UX, and tech

One of the best ways to grow as a designer is to learn from the ideas and experiences of others. These ten podcasts provide plenty of that. So tune in to them to get your creative juices flowing and some fun anecdotes from the world of user experience and design.

Hope you enjoy listening to them!

99% Invisible

99% invisible

Talks about all the thought that goes into things we don’t think about like the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world. Created and hosted by Roman Mars. Check out the Ten Thousand Years, Wild Ones and One Man is an Island episode for sure.

The Design Review Podcast


In each episode, they review a product and analyze its user experience design, how it works and what insights to take from it. Hosted by Chris Liu and Jonathan Shariat.


A podcast about design, technology, programming, and everything else. Hosted by Kevin Clark and Rafael Conde.

The UIE Podcast

The UIE Podcast

Hosted by Jared Spool, founder of UX research and consulting firm User Interface Engineering. Tune in for takeaways on strategies, case studies, and especially the episode about the Rashomon Effect.

What is Wrong With UX?

What is wrong with UX

What is wrong with UX features Laura Klein (Principal at Users Know and author of UX for Lean Startups, and Build Better Products) and Kate Rutter (principal at Intelleto) discussing UX, career stories, and funny experiences over a glass of wine. Extremely entertaining! To read more about Laura Klein’s experience building products and doing podcasts, check out her interview here.

Working File Podcast

working file

A podcast about design practice and its relationship to the world, hosted by Andy Mangold (co-founder of Friends of The Web) and Matt McInerney (designer at Motel) plus a large group of contributors.

High-Resolution Podcast


A limited video series on design thinking and product design. 25 episodes with 25 masters of the industry, such as Katie Dill (Airbnb), Daniel Burka (Google Ventures), Didier Hilhorst (Uber), and Phil Gilbert (IBM). Created and hosted by Bobby Ghoshal and Jared Erondu.

Design Matters


While Design Matters features people from various disciplines like actors, architects, writers, and photographers, there are some great discussions with interaction designers, computer scientists, and web designers as well. Hosted by Debbie Millman.

User Defenders

user defenders

Inspiring interviews with UX superheroes. Like a good superhero movie, it discusses the origins, failures, kryptonite, habits, and motivations of the designers who work for the users. Hosted by Jason Ongle.

Dribbble Overtime


The official podcast of Dribbble. Get a sneak behind the shots of some of your favorite Dribbble designers. It features illustrators, creative directors, designers, and branding consultants among other people to discuss design stories, challenges, careers, and inspirations.

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Top 10 UX blogs you should start following

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