submittal workflow automation
How to Automate Submittal Workflows to Streamline Reviews

Among the seven (7) stages in the architecture design process, the construction drawing phase takes the most time. Hence, it’s important to automate processes and ensure a smoother, error-free, and faster project delivery. This guide will show you how to automate your submittal workflow and streamline reviews and submittal management. Submittal Workflow Diagram Why Automate

project management in architecture
Project Management in Architecture: A Complete Guide with Expert Insights

What are some best practices and tools  for project management in architecture? How do you streamline client collaboration and document management? Projects of all sizes have their complexities and challenges, how do you deal with them? How do you manage projects effectively to ensure they meet schedules and expectations? Covid is long gone, but how

document management
Streamline AEC Document Management and Collaboration with zipBoard

Efficient document management and collaboration are critical for project success. But many AEC teams struggle with time-consuming tasks like finding documents, sharing them securely, ensuring timely reviews and issue resolution, as well as tracking tasks. zipBoard helps AEC teams bridge these gaps by providing a centralized platform for document management, review, and markup. How EO

best Autodesk docs alternative - zipBoard
Autodesk Docs vs zipBoard

Autodesk Docs vs. zipBoard. Which is the best document management and collaboration software for your AEC team? Finding the right cloud-based platform for document management and collaboration on construction projects can be a real struggle. So many features to take into consideration, ensuring that the tool you choose integrates seamlessly into your existing workflow, is

how to set up a shop drawing review process
How to Set Up a Shop Drawing Review Process: A Comprehensive Guide (with Free Template)

Manual processes, inefficient communication and delays in the shop drawing review process can cost you – both time and money. Construction projects need careful planning, coordination, and execution between many stakeholders. And shop drawings serve as the bridge between the design and construction phases. What are Shop Drawings? Shop drawings are construction drawings created by

learning design feedback and qa process
How to Set Up an Effective Learning Design Feedback and QA Process

Setting up an effective learning design feedback and QA process can be challenging for L&D teams. One instance is when the projects involve many files and stakeholders. Due to this, selecting a tool for the process even becomes more stressful. Here are some of the factors you may consider when selecting a tool: the number of

Reduce Friction and Save Time with the New Stamp Feature for PDF Reviews
Reduce Friction and Save Time with the New Stamp Feature

Efficient collaboration, seamless reviews, and time-saving processes are necessary for successful digital asset review processes. At zipBoard, we recognize the challenges that arise during PDF reviews, where time-consuming tasks and friction often hinder productivity and timely decision-making. We’re all about enhancing visual collaboration and helping you – our users save time and reduce several repetitive

how to build a document review hub in zipBoard
How to Build a Document Review Hub in zipBoard

Building a document review hub will help you stay on the same page with your team, ensure clarity, and keep your workflow organized. It will also help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your document reviews and approvals. However, choosing and implementing the right solution for your document review and approval can be daunting. And

Save Time, Stay Organized, and Improve Feedback with Filtering in Reviews and Text Annotation - improve visual collaboration
Improve Visual Collaboration: Save Time, Stay Organized, and Improve Feedback with Filtering in Reviews and Text Annotation

Ensuring smooth and effective collaboration for feedback and approvals for digital assets (like websites, web apps, PDF documents, videos, images, etc) across remotely distributed/hybrid teams is no easy task. It can be time-consuming, confusing, disorganized, and may reduce productivity when you don’t have streamlined workflows with efficient collaboration tools. At zipBoard, we understand the importance

A Complete Guide on Creating a Document Approval Workflow
A Complete Guide on Creating an Efficient Document Approval Workflow

Construction, finance, creative, manufacturing, legal, technology, and logistics are but are few of the industries that rely on document approvals workflows to collect feedback and get approval on documents pertaining to their respective fields. Let’s look at 2 examples of documents that need approval for each industry: Construction – submittals, contracts Manufacturing – product designs, specifications


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