Is your enterprise business cashing on in live chat?

There are no diminutives in enterprise businesses: with multiple levels, locations, divisions, and departments comes a large customer base, followed up by huge challenges and prohibitive costs. Luckily, enterprise leaders are usually just as immensely bold and big on efficient solutions. Hence the development of business chat software, the latest addition to their digital toolkits.

marketing automation
What Marketing Automation Tools do I Need?

There are plenty of marketing automation tools out there today for various stages of the funnel. Some help broaden the top funnel while others help generate leads and close sales. These tools play an important role, especially in providing small teams an even playing field when it comes to targeting a larger audience

8 Reasons Why Blended Learning Is Becoming a Trend

There has been a lot of talk about educational methods and the fact that they haven’t significantly changed in the last century. This piece of information sure sounds strange because the whole world has grown in that time and developed thanks to technology, and yet somehow, school systems have stayed the same. The world has

How to design user-friendly web forms?

Web forms are ubiquitous and are a part and parcel of almost every website. Users interact with websites most commonly via forms. Be it to enter credit card details, fill in personal details, or sign up for a service. They act as a user interface for your web application. Hence, the user interface for web

Visual Reviews zipboard
Guest invite comes to zipBoard reviews

Are you reviewing your designs via Skype meetings and screen shares? Are your clients/teammates sharing feedback on email and long message threads? Are the developers and designers on your team struggling with visual bug tracking in your web design development? You can solve all those issues with one tool now. zipBoard!

Does Your WordPress Site Need Managed Hosting?

Picking the right web host for your website is one of the most crucial decisions you have to make. (Probably, along with choosing what plugins add mojo to your WordPress site.) There are numerous factors to be considered before choosing a web host as it directly affects the satisfaction of vendors who are hosting their

Top Project Management Blogs To Follow

To keep up with the ever evolving field of project management, this article features a list of blogs that will make it easier for project managers to be in the know-how of latest trends, best practices and tools available today to navigate through the ups and downs of project cycles. For new project managers, listening

authoring tools review
Adapt Authoring Tool Review

In recent years, given the massive influx of tablets, mobiles, and handheld devices, there has been a complete transformation in the way the average user accesses and interacts with online content. To keep up with this continual evolution, the eLearning industry has been consistently revamping features of its existing tools/framework to provide comprehensive support for

non designers lexis
A non designer’s design lexis

The value is in what gets used, not in what gets built. – Kris Gale

How To Create A Flat Design Website?

It seems flat design will never go out of fashion. It was listed among the trendsetters during the last couple of years. In 2017, it still retains its position among the most-implemented styles of the contemporary age