Visual bug tracking tool zipBoard
Annotate and review content, add and assign tasks in one place: Reviewboard by zipBoard

With Reviewboard, you can review images, videos, SCORM/HTML content, URLs/web projects. Not just that, you can also create and assign tasks to your team members making your workflow more efficient in the process.

Collaboration between graphic designers and content marketers
The Vital Role of Collaboration between Graphic Designers and Content Marketers

Poor Collaboration Leads to Poor Results In a survey conducted by Fierce Inc, they found that after talking with over 1400 employees, 86% of them cited a lack of collaboration for workplace failures. 92% also agreed that hitting or missing a deadline will affect bottom-line results. This is due to the ripple effect poor design collaboration can

How to create engaging eLearning courses using the Agile methodology?

eLearning professionals who have been in the industry for over a decade know-how eLearning development have evolved over the years. Creating eLearning content can be a daunting process. Developing a curriculum, thinking the course design framework, and creating engaging content is imperative for providing value to learners. The eLearning development process often can be difficult

Tools For Remote Teams To Stay Connected

Remote communication and collaboration are not easy. But in the dynamic web design and development space, it’s the need of the hour. To bring the best talent on-board, here are some tools that ease your remote team challenges.

A complete guide on web development collaboration
A complete guide on web development collaboration

A website has now become an integral part of every business. A good website helps with visibility, sharing information and gaining traffic, and subsequently revenue. One of the biggest challenges that is faced by developers and designers while designing a website is collaboration. Especially when working from home has become the new normal, it has

ux proposal complete guide
UX Proposal: The Complete Guide To Writing A Successful One

Whether you’re working on a website, network, product or service, the user experience you provide is one of the most important considerations you need to be thinking about. Know how to write a successful UX proposal.

Website issue tracker zipboard
Why do you need a website issue tracker?

An issue tracker, in general, can hold a wide variety of meanings depending on the context, in a business context any defect or bug that occurs in process development can be an issue for the project development team.  The website issue tracker as the name suggests is a tool or software that assists in identifying