video annotations
How Do Video Annotations Improve Overall Video Production?

If you’re part of a video production team, you would know how much we rely on scribes, notes, time stamps, and feedback. Those life-savers that make sure every frame serves its purpose are called video annotations. From pinpointing exact moments for color correction to marking spots where sound syncs perfectly with action, video annotations are

zipBoard's AI-Powered Project Statuses
Streamline Your Project Workflow with zipBoard’s AI-Powered Statuses

Generic predefined project status options often fail to align with the unique workflows of different teams. That’s why we just shipped our latest feature update: AI-Powered Project Statuses – which allows you to save precious time and mental energy by letting AI handle the creation of your project statuses. With just a few clicks, you’ll

document versioning
Document Versioning: What It Is, Benefits, Best Practices, and Tools

During reviews and approvals, the struggle with multiple document versions is all too real. Stakeholders provide feedback, edits are made, and suddenly you’re juggling a confusing mess of “Report_Final_v3” and “Design_Prototype_v2.”  This chaos can derail project timelines and lead to frustration across your team. The good news? Document versioning helps you deal with this. Document

document version control
Improved Document Version Control in zipBoard! Add Multiple File Versions. Never Lose Track of Any

It’s difficult to track and manage different file versions and changes made to them if you don’t have a system in place to keep them organized in one place. That’s why document version control is important. Investing in document version control systems enables you to streamline your workflow, ensure accuracy, reduce errors, keep an audit trail for

collaborative video editing
5 Tips and Tools for Effective Collaborative Video Editing

Collaborative video editing is a common process in the video and filmmaker industry. It’s where several people join forces to edit and polish the final product, whether they are in the same room or spread across the globe. People working in this field must use a reliable tool to let everyone contribute their ideas and

A Guide to Understanding Micro-interactions for Improved User Experience

When you click send on an email, you expect some confirmation that your message has been sent; perhaps a pop-up with “message sent” or a sound effect to signify the email has been sent on its way. When you “like” a post on social media, would you feel apprehensive if there was no feedback that

Track project progress
9 Strategies to Track Project Progress and Ensure Timely Completion

Putting an effective project tracking system in place is one of the most important elements of any development project. It’s all too easy for timelines to slip if you don’t run a tight ship, and that can mean missed deadlines and unhappy clients. In this article, we’ll look at why getting learning how to track project

full-stack software developer intern
Meet Jeffrey Zhao, zipBoard’s Full-Stack Software Developer Intern (2023)

I enjoyed being able to explore many different fields of software development, including DevOps and AWS. I believe that I grew a lot as a developer, mainly with my debugging and DevOps skills. Moreover, I learned a lot about how to be a better communicator and asking for help. – Jeffrey Zhao, Full-Stack Software Developer Intern,

zipBoard integrations
Streamline Your AEC Workflows with zipBoard Integrations and APIs

The construction industry thrives on seamless collaboration and information flow. Yet, fragmented workflows and disconnected data plague AEC projects, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and missed deadlines.  Several studies reveal a concerning trend in the construction industry. For instance, PlanGrid’s Construction Disconnected report indicates that 52% of construction projects experience rework due to miscommunication and information

Incorporating AI into Web Development and Design QA
Incorporating AI into Web Development and Design QA

According to this Stanford report, AI has made significant progress in various fields, including speech recognition, natural language processing, media generation, and more, in the last five years. Today, AI has slowly begun to integrate itself into the daily human experience, including web development and design QA. One of AI’s breakthrough areas is quality assurance.