Is Your Instructional Design Strategy Right For Your eLearning Project?

Implementing instruction and collaborating with Subject Matters Experts aside, the early stages of planning and designing an effective learning experience are influenced greatly by the Instructional Design strategy employed.

A/B Testing vs. UX Research

Whether you are developing a new piece of software, a company website, or a physical product, testing and analysis play a pivotal role. The development process of an individual product or a service can take months if not years to be completed properly. While there are variations and deviations of the core concepts, developers mostly

A 7 point checklist to improve your bug tracking process

Let’s clear up the jargon first. A ‘bug’ in software engineering is an unexpected behavior from software. Fixing a bug involves locating the source of the misfire, rectifying it, and updating the software to reflect the changes. However, the seeming duck soup of a task gets overwhelmingly tricky with the size of the product and

You Can Now Manage Your zipBoard Issues In JIRA

We have been working hard to get your reviews faster and better. So, we have recently launched two big features which you will be excited to check out for sure!

6 Simple Tricks To Make Your e-Learning Course Stand Out

eLearning is a dramatically expanding industry and way too many eLearning courses are pumping into the market every day. But many of the eLearning courses are poorly made. A good eLearning course is all about providing a good user experience and the right content. Here are 6 easy ways to make your eLearning course stand

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