how to make pdf accessible
PDF Accessibility: How To Create Accessible Documents

PDF is one of the popular formats used to publish web documents as they maintain a common look and feel despite the device used to view them. Sadly, most of these documents do not comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act,  requiring all ICT to be accessible to disabled persons. A non-compliant PDF document

How The Education Industry Is Responding To Covid-19
How The Education Industry Is Responding To Covid-19

As Covid-19 gripped the world, teachers, parents, and students found ways to continue learning. Learn more.

Why E-Learning Resonates With Working Professionals

The average full-time American employee works 40–50 hours a week, leaving very little time for family, vacation, and even furthering education. According to Maryville University, 58 percent of all students hold either a part-time or full-time job while obtaining a higher education. Whether you look at full degree programs or one-time online e-courses, education is

gamebased_ learning
How Game-Based Learning & Simulated Reality Are Advancing Education

Think back to your days in school. When you first started attending, it was a lot of fun. Your teachers got you involved, you played games while learning, and you actively participated. Yet, the farther you get into education, the games start to dry up. Lectures and note-taking became the norm in the classroom, and

understanding Instructional Design
Understanding Instructional Design

But that would be an oversimplification of the process of instructional design and the work that goes into designing and developing learning experiences. If learning was indeed that simple then we all could possibly be self-learners, or autodidacts, from reading Wikipedia articles. The science and art that goes into building conducive learning environments and experiences

8 Reasons Why Blended Learning Is Becoming a Trend

There has been a lot of talk about educational methods and the fact that they haven’t significantly changed in the last century. This piece of information sure sounds strange because the whole world has grown in that time and developed thanks to technology, and yet somehow, school systems have stayed the same. The world has

4 Challenges For e-Learning Developers

Understanding and tackling the prominent challenges that e-Learning developers face when creating content; with e-Learning continuing to grow rapidly, here’s a look at some of them and what you need to know about dealing with them.

5 Reasons An e-Learning Course Review Is Essential

If you’re designing an eLearning course, your course is like your baby. The authoring tools used, the design and development strategy, the eLearning framework and the methodology employed, the instructional design practices used — you have to pay attention to every little detail and make sure the eLearning project is in line with the goals laid out

6 Simple Tricks To Make Your e-Learning Course Stand Out

eLearning is a dramatically expanding industry and way too many eLearning courses are pumping into the market every day. But many of the eLearning courses are poorly made. A good eLearning course is all about providing a good user experience and the right content. Here are 6 easy ways to make your eLearning course stand

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