How we use zipBoard to manage a remote team blog feature image
How We Use zipBoard to Manage a Remote Team

A personal write-up from Bhavya Aggarwal, the CEO and co-founder of zipBoard on how she uses zipBoard to manage a remote team.

annotate pdf blog feature image
Annotate PDF Files in Your Document Management System With zipBoard

Working with PDFs mean you often have to resort to various painstaking measures to give a simple feedback. Find how you can review documents seamlessly and annotate PDF with zipBoard.

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How a content review process helps your marketing strategy?

We all are familiar with the words “Feedback and Review.” These words are often used interchangeably in the digital era. Broadly, feedback is split into two categories: Informal  We use informal feedback in our routine conversations regarding work. For instance, a casual conversation that contains a response about a person regarding their performance, behaviour, or

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How this non-profit’s digital learning production team builds great courses – Q&A

An agile manager in the digital learning production team of this massive non-profit agreed to share his view on how things proceeded in their workspace before and after zipBoard.

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Setting up an Agile Content Review Process

An agile content review process is paramount to the success of any new content. Find how you can set one up and the tools required for it.

digital content development using agile
Developing Digital Content Using Agile Framework

The agile methodology, which has transformed the software industry has begun making an impact on the digital content creators massively. This iterative process helps creators build content that is more targeted, has more value, and generates more revenue.

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