Spreadsheets are inefficient tools for web development collaboration, hence the need for efficient agency-client collaboration tools
How Spreadsheets are Costing Your Agency Time and Money (+ Spreadsheet Alternatives for Web Development Agencies)

Spreadsheets are such infamous tools, and they’ve got the hype. So when you discovered and started using spreadsheets like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, you probably thought that was it. That they would be the solution to all your web development collaboration tools issues. The truth is, there’s little that spreadsheets can do when it

5 Ways To Improve Conversion Rates with Bug Tracking Tools

You are probably used to seeing higher conversion rates when you offer a great product. But did you know that you can leverage your website for more conversions using the mistakes on the website? Yes, even mistakes can make new customers! Only, you need to use them wisely. Here, you’ll find out: What is bug

A complete guide on web development collaboration
A complete guide on web development collaboration

A website has now become an integral part of every business. A good website helps with visibility, sharing information and gaining traffic, and subsequently revenue. One of the biggest challenges that is faced by developers and designers while designing a website is collaboration. Especially when working from home has become the new normal, it has

Types of Client Feedback You Need To Build Better Website Prototypes

Know the various types of client feedback that you need in order to build better website prototypes. Know about the design cycle process.

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