Discover how the BCIT Collaboration empowers zipBoard’s Revolutionary ML Model. In today’s digital landscape, customer feedback is crucial for businesses. At zipBoard, we value customer reviews to enhance product experiences. And to improve zipBoard’s reporting capabilities, we collaborated with the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT). Read the success story of our partnership and how
Generally, employers are skeptical about remote working. There’s a cynical notion of demotivated, disinterested employees who are unaccountable and unfocused. There’s an assumption that face-to-face collaboration is essential in progressing projects and making key decisions. The reality is, we now have technology that can increase productivity at work and deliver efficient, effective remote team management.
Setting up an effective learning design feedback and QA process can be challenging for L&D teams. One instance is when the projects involve many files and stakeholders. Due to this, selecting a tool for the process even becomes more stressful. Here are some of the factors you may consider when selecting a tool: the number of
Efficient collaboration, seamless reviews, and time-saving processes are necessary for successful digital asset review processes. At zipBoard, we recognize the challenges that arise during PDF reviews, where time-consuming tasks and friction often hinder productivity and timely decision-making. We’re all about enhancing visual collaboration and helping you – our users save time and reduce several repetitive
Building a document review hub will help you stay on the same page with your team, ensure clarity, and keep your workflow organized. It will also help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your document reviews and approvals. However, choosing and implementing the right solution for your document review and approval can be daunting. And
It’s been hard for architecture firms to adjust to working from home since the outbreak of COVID-19. Thanks to technological advancements, like 3D modeling software, CAD software, GIS software, video conferencing, high-speed internet, and secure VPN, among others, it’s now possible for some people in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry to work remotely.
Ensuring smooth and effective collaboration for feedback and approvals for digital assets (like websites, web apps, PDF documents, videos, images, etc) across remotely distributed/hybrid teams is no easy task. It can be time-consuming, confusing, disorganized, and may reduce productivity when you don’t have streamlined workflows with efficient collaboration tools. At zipBoard, we understand the importance
Regardless of your industry and the type of document you need approval for, without a proper structure and a well-defined document approval workflow, you’re likely to experience delays, miscommunication, errors, costly fixes, and compliance issues during your document feedback and approval process – which can lead to decreased productivity and missed opportunities. Efficient document approval
Find out how to address design feedback and QA challenges and set up processes that will help increase software quality and client/user satisfaction leading to an increase in conversions.
Construction document reviews can positively and negatively impact project schedules and budgets. And this largely depends on how well you manage the construction document review process. Let’s look at how construction document reviews affect project schedules and budgets. Effects of construction document reviews on project schedules When you review construction documents according to the stipulated