remote work and collaboration
Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration: Success Stories and Best Practices!

People have customized their working practices to match the changing environment, just the way water finds its way. This change has been considerably driven by the epidemic, which has forced us to choose remote work and virtual collaboration. The pandemic has forced the value of this adjustment, and it likewise offers long-term advantages, including boosted

project management best practices
Project Management Best Practices That Actually Work

Are you struggling to manage your projects? Are you working hard to deliver the projects on time? Are you searching for the best ways to simplify your project management? Well, a lot of reasons are behind this. The project is the core of business process management, and staying ahead of the trend is not easy.

What to Include in Your Project Charter blog feature image
What to Include in Your Project Charter

For beginner project managers or people tasked with managing projects for the first time. A thoroughly researched project management article for our readers.

agile content review process feature image
Setting up an Agile Content Review Process

An agile content review process is paramount to the success of any new content. Find how you can set one up and the tools required for it.

asynchronous content review feature iamge
The Ultimate Guide to Asynchronous Content Reviews: Benefits, Tools, and Best Practices for Digital Teams

Asynchronous content review is an essential part of a team's collaboration strategy today. It is imperative you know the best tools for it.

Why Teams Need to Define and Document Their Process

People are the best and the worst part of a team. That may sound harsh, but people are what make a team tick and people are what complicate its working most. So much of project management is about getting it right for the people, more than getting the technical side of it correct. We’ve heard

How to Make a Program Management Plan

A program management plan is a format to outline and document how a program can be well executed, managed, and monitored.

Bug reports: All you need to know

Bug reports, also known as issue reports, and defect reports are a big part of providing and receiving feedback. These reports help the developers find and fix the issues/defects/bugs within the product that affect it negatively. This is a pivotal part of the software testing lifecycle(STLC). Understand what they are, how to create one(good ones),

raschid's reviewboard case study
Bridging the gap between developers and clients | in conversation with Raschid J. F. Rafaelly

Collaboration between clients and the developers is very important especially during a period where face-to-face communication is challenging.

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