The Basics of Instructional Design Processes

Instructional designers and eLearning developers need to pick the right delivery method for their eLearning courses. Whether working on curriculum development for corporate learning solutions or for implementing eLearning in schools and K-12 education, there is a host of instructional design models to pick from.

Fixing Feedback in the Design Process

Let us start by establishing the scope of design and its stakeholders. Just how buttons, colors, and typeface alone don’t make up design, in the same way, the stakeholders in a design process are not limited to designers and creative directors. With the design, there’s a goal. And to reach that goal, there is a

How Typography Affects Web Design

Every day you are perceiving a huge amount of different information. Moreover, the are so many ways, through which you are getting your ‘brain meal’. Among them are tabloids, social media networks, personal or corporate blogs, online magazines, films. There is something that almost all of the visual information flows have in common. The text.

4 Challenges For e-Learning Developers

Understanding and tackling the prominent challenges that e-Learning developers face when creating content; with e-Learning continuing to grow rapidly, here’s a look at some of them and what you need to know about dealing with them.

Who Really Is A Product Designer?

This is an era of transcendence, and the way we consume goods and services is fundamentally changing. Technology makes up a big part of our lives now, and we rely on it for many of our needs. We expect everything to be within the reach of our smartphone and want a personalized experience, be it

A 7 point checklist to improve your bug tracking process

Let’s clear up the jargon first. A ‘bug’ in software engineering is an unexpected behavior from software. Fixing a bug involves locating the source of the misfire, rectifying it, and updating the software to reflect the changes. However, the seeming duck soup of a task gets overwhelmingly tricky with the size of the product and

10 Tips To Help You Make Better Decisions At Your Startup

Decision-making at a startup may look like an easy thing: you know your friends (now your co-founders) well, you don’t need to schedule meetings, you don’t have any organizational hierarchy, not in the beginning at least. But, every decision needs to be made while keeping in mind that you are building a Bn$ enterprise. So

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