entering startup
10 Things We Are Focusing On Before We Build Our Product

Okay, so we are close to starting building our product. Today’s 10 things are no “gyaan”, but rather the top 10 things we are focusing on. This is where we are spending our time & energy

10 Tips To Help You Make Better Decisions At Your Startup

Decision-making at a startup may look like an easy thing: you know your friends (now your co-founders) well, you don’t need to schedule meetings, you don’t have any organizational hierarchy, not in the beginning at least. But, every decision needs to be made while keeping in mind that you are building a Bn$ enterprise. So


Ok, one more time we are writing something which is widely spoken about. It's all about time honey! so here are the ten points on time management at startups (i am a guy Kawasaki fan, you know); once again no big deal, this is straight from heart and experience

Steve Agrees With Me! aka Why We Give Our Employees Autonomy

At zipBoard, we believe in letting our employees do their thing and choose the best course of action in their individual tasks. This makes for a much better office environment and works culture.