Five Reasons Why Developers Need Project Management Tool

No matter how exciting it is to start working on a new project, there are still many hurdles the developers and the entire working team have to overcome. As the business grows and projects mount, things can easily get out of hand. Many different challenges may arise. Instead of reaching the desired goals, developers might

zipBoard one tool feedback collaboration
Customer Feedback and Internal Collaboration For Digital Products In One Place

zipBoard is a small team that is passionate about design collaboration. We want to make it easy for teams and clients to discuss design easily, more collaboratively — whether remote or co-located. That is why we designed zipBoard to be your virtual whiteboard, no matter what type of project. Whether you are starting a website redesign, working

Design Podcasts to Follow

One of the best ways to grow as a designer is to learn from the ideas and experiences of others. These ten podcasts provide plenty of that. So tune in to them to get your creative juices flowing and some fun anecdotes from the world of user experience and design.

How Typography Affects Web Design

Every day you are perceiving a huge amount of different information. Moreover, the are so many ways, through which you are getting your ‘brain meal’. Among them are tabloids, social media networks, personal or corporate blogs, online magazines, films. There is something that almost all of the visual information flows have in common. The text.

newsletter web developers
Awesome Newsletters for Web Developers and Designers

For every phase of web development, there’s inspiration and resources on the web. We’ve collated some of the top newsletters for designers and developers so that all the information you need is delivered right into your inbox, spam-free.

What Tools do you use to Manage Software Projects?

Managing a project involves a lot of moving parts. Planning and organization have to include managing deadlines, handling files & resources, keeping the entire team moving forward in sync, and ensuring smooth collaboration through it all. Multi-faceted role? You bet. Do they need dynamic support? Yes. To aid project managers in their role in engendering

Is your enterprise business cashing on in live chat?

There are no diminutives in enterprise businesses: with multiple levels, locations, divisions, and departments comes a large customer base, followed up by huge challenges and prohibitive costs. Luckily, enterprise leaders are usually just as immensely bold and big on efficient solutions. Hence the development of business chat software, the latest addition to their digital toolkits.

marketing automation
What Marketing Automation Tools do I Need?

There are plenty of marketing automation tools out there today for various stages of the funnel. Some help broaden the top funnel while others help generate leads and close sales. These tools play an important role, especially in providing small teams an even playing field when it comes to targeting a larger audience

8 Reasons Why Blended Learning Is Becoming a Trend

There has been a lot of talk about educational methods and the fact that they haven’t significantly changed in the last century. This piece of information sure sounds strange because the whole world has grown in that time and developed thanks to technology, and yet somehow, school systems have stayed the same. The world has

How to design user-friendly web forms?

Web forms are ubiquitous and are a part and parcel of almost every website. Users interact with websites most commonly via forms. Be it to enter credit card details, fill in personal details, or sign up for a service. They act as a user interface for your web application. Hence, the user interface for web


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