When there are strict deadlines to meet, people often panic, and rush through things, trying to pass through submittals quickly, to stay on schedule. By the end of the session, you should have a well-defined review/approval process that facilitates better feedback, speeds up turnaround time by 50%, and results in greater end quality.
Watch this webinar by zipBoard’s founder Bhavya to learn how to:
Apply best practices for review and approval processes
Automate project reviews to reduce delays and speed up timelines by 50%.
Integrate a construction design review tool into your ERP for better file management.
Bhavya Aggarwal is the CEO and co-founder of zipBoard. In the last 15+ years, she has worked as a Product Developer, product consultant and manager for some large enterprises and product companies. She has a proven track record of successfully managing complex product lifecycles and leading high-performance teams remotely.
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