Interior Design Feedback Process Blog Images

The interior design feedback process can often be lengthy and complex. Interior designers receive feedback from multiple stakeholders throughout the interior design process which can make the process confusing. It is also important to consider that feedback can be received through various channels, making matters more complex. It is important to understand common issues during the process to avoid any “bumps in the road” that may extend timelines or bloat budgets.

The primary role of interior designers is to create a beautiful and safe space for the client. In order to achieve this goal, it is paramount that interior designers receive feedback from clients every step of the way. In recent years, receiving client feedback has become even more important with the emergence of e-design. E-design refers to a fully virtual interior design process where interior designers provide their design expertise and clients take care of the execution. During this process receiving clear client feedback is especially important since traditional face-to-face meetings are excluded.

The Interior Design Feedback Process

During the natural flow of the interior design process, there are times when designers present deliverables to stakeholders for feedback. The most crucial time for feedback occurs during the programming stage, conceptual design stage, design development stage, and technical design stage. After the technical design stage designs are finalized, materials are ordered, and construction begins. This can make implementing feedback and making changes difficult depending on the scope of the project. Interior designers mostly receive feedback from clients during the first three stages of the process but receive additional feedback from other stakeholders during the technical design stage.

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It is important for designers to stay organized to ensure feedback from all stakeholders is taken into account when moving through each stage. On top of juggling feedback from stakeholders, interior designers must also consider other issues that may occur during the interior design feedback process.

Common Issues Receiving Design Feedback

Here are the top 4 common issues for design professionals to resolve.

Vague Feedback

One of the most common issues receiving design feedback is not receiving much feedback at all. Sometimes clients provide vague feedback on designs leaving you wondering if you’ve nailed the design or need to go back to the drawing board. Receiving minimal feedback makes it difficult for designers to alter their work to fit the client’s vision. This creative freedom may seem good at first but can lead to issues down the line as clients become unhappy with the details of the project.


Moving in the opposite direction, overcommunication is another common issue that may occur during the design process. Sometimes receiving client feedback can become an issue when clients provide too much feedback.

Whether it’s constantly requesting updates or continuously requesting changes to the design, too much input can be a hindrance to any project. Unrestrained feedback can lead to an excessive revision of designs and may even delay the project or push designers to work outside of their regular hours.


We are in the digital age and as technology advances so do the way humans communicate. Interior designers may collect feedback through many mediums including text, video calls, e-mails, in-person meetings, and even social media. This makes it important to consider the responsiveness of clients and other stakeholders.

While traditional interior design presentations allow clients to provide feedback in real-time, feedback may not be received as quickly through other mediums like email. Waiting for feedback can put designs on hold and drag out the feedback process unnecessarily; especially if compounded with other issues on this list.

Multiple Stakeholders

Collaboration is the key to success in any interior design project. As the project progresses from an idea in the client’s head into a beautiful home, more and more stakeholders become involved.

Although interior designers work closely with the client, they are required to work with multiple other stakeholders as well. Working in a team with architects, contractors, and other stakeholders means more feedback to incorporate into designs to make certain everyone is on the same page.

When working on large projects involving multiple stakeholders, receiving feedback may become difficult. As feedback comes in from all directions it is up to the designer to take into account the concerns of multiple stakeholders and revise designs accordingly.

Accurately receiving feedback from multiple sources can be a major hassle in the feedback process and may lead to miscommunication if the designer is not organized.

Flexible Sharing with zipBoard to annotate pdf
Flexible Sharing with multiple stakeholders

Making The Feedback Process Easy with zipBoard

There are many potential issues in the interior design feedback process that are important to consider when starting a new project. It is also important to consider how these issues can be avoided in order to reach the end goal of a smoother workflow and smiling clients.

zipBoard is a powerful tool that allows you to upload, annotate, and share visual deliverables. It is the perfect tool for interior designers looking to streamline the feedback process. zipBoard is specifically designed to help teams collaborate and has a wide variety of features that can help designers avoid the issues described above.

Interior Design Feedback in zipBoard
Provinding feedback on interior design

The best way to communicate ideas as an interior designer is to use visuals. Receiving feedback on mood boards, floor plans, and renderings is simple with zipBoard. Using the annotation and markup tools opens the door for stakeholders to view visual deliverables and provide feedback directly on the document or video. This allows for clear feedback on specific design elements and saves time going back and forth via text or email. How much easier would life be if your client could circle a design element they want to change and leave feedback for you to view instantly?

All stakeholders should be able to check on the progress of the project. zipBoard also includes the addition of unlimited collaborators which is especially useful for collaboration on large projects. With this feature, feedback from multiple stakeholders can be received in one place making collecting feedback easy. Stakeholders can also be added with different roles and permissions to make the feedback process even smoother.

Last but not least, zipBoard also allows users to view multiple projects and workflows on one account. With this feature, interior designers can easily organize different clients and projects as well as add new assignments. If you own an interior design company zipBoard can also be used to support the scaling of your business.

The ability to create multiple projects, add collaborators, and assign tasks allows you to structure workflows for your entire team and stay organized. zipBoard provides the addition of unlimited projects and collaborators to support your business no matter the size. Meaning interior design companies big or small can rely on zipBoard’s design review and approval solution as our pricing grows only with your company’s growth. 🤝

Author’s Bio:


Tregg Strachan is a marketing enthusiast with a passion for SEO, copywriting, and analytics.  After receiving his degree in Health Sciences and working in pharmaceuticals, Tregg decided to bring his talents to the world of digital marketing. In his spare time, he enjoys reading marketing blogs, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and studying new languages.

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