The Design life of a product designer — Interview with Dan Saffer

Dan Saffer is a product designer who currently works as VP of Product at Mayfield Robotics. In his 21 years of design journey (apps,devices,automotive interiors, robots…) he has got several awards in interaction design and has also written four design books, the latest one on Microinteractions . He has worked on projects for huge brands including

Philippe Hong
The Design life of a product designer — Interview with Philippe Hong

Philippe Hong is a product designer who co-founded Vyte and UI garage. With just 4 years of experience in design, Philippe won awards like CSSDesignawrds, CSSawards. Having experience in working with huge brands like Loreal, Hana, Celio, Intel, and many more Philippe has been featured on Tech Crunch, Product hunt, and material up.

The Design Life Of A Product Designer — Interview with Matej Latin

Matej Latin is the lead UI/UX designer at Auto trader UK, UK’s number one motoring destination. He handcrafted his first website at the age of 13 and loves to work on projects out of his comfort zone. While working on redefining web typography for one of his company Matej created Gutenberg, a web typography starter

Who Really Is A Product Designer?

This is an era of transcendence, and the way we consume goods and services is fundamentally changing. Technology makes up a big part of our lives now, and we rely on it for many of our needs. We expect everything to be within the reach of our smartphone and want a personalized experience, be it

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