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video annotations
How Do Video Annotations Improve Overall Video Production?

If you’re part of a video production team, you would know how much we rely on scribes, notes, time stamps, and feedback. Those life-savers that make sure every frame serves its purpose are called video annotations. From pinpointing exact moments for color correction to marking spots where sound syncs perfectly with action, video annotations are

collaborative video editing
5 Tips and Tools for Effective Collaborative Video Editing

Collaborative video editing is a common process in the video and filmmaker industry. It’s where several people join forces to edit and polish the final product, whether they are in the same room or spread across the globe. People working in this field must use a reliable tool to let everyone contribute their ideas and

B2B marketing video
Struggling to Generate Traffic For Your Site? Here’s Why Your B2B Marketing Needs More Video

While crafting blog posts, churning out whitepapers, and sharing your expertise on social media are all great ways to market your business to other businesses, there’s one digital medium that can often get overlooked – video. Video content offers a unique way to capture the attention of your B2B audience’s attention that is different from

timestamped feedback on videos blog feature image
How to Provide Timestamped Feedback on Videos

A video's review and approval process differ from other content. Find out how you can provide actionable, timestamped feedback on videos.