How to design user-friendly web forms?

Web forms are ubiquitous and are a part and parcel of almost every website. Users interact with websites most commonly via forms. Be it to enter credit card details, fill in personal details, or sign up for a service. They act as a user interface for your web application. Hence, the user interface for web

non designers lexis
A non designer’s design lexis

The value is in what gets used, not in what gets built. – Kris Gale

Hamburger Menu: A Headache To UX?

Alternatives to the hamburger menu icon Written by Shubham Gupta for the zipBoard blog. The 3 stacked line icon that you normally see on the top left or right corner of your website or app is known as the hamburger menu (often referred to as a hamburger option or sandwich). Before getting into why it was

5 Amazing Resources For Product People

Are you a newbie involved in the product development process? Are you a developer with a great startup idea but feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things you don’t know about? Or maybe you just want to revamp your product and breathe a new personality into it.

Top 10 UX Blogs You Should Start Following

Creating a good user experience requires diligent research, inspiration, staying up to date with the latest trends, and of course, your own instincts


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