document versioning
Document Versioning: What It Is, Benefits, Best Practices, and Tools

During reviews and approvals, the struggle with multiple document versions is all too real. Stakeholders provide feedback, edits are made, and suddenly you’re juggling a confusing mess of “Report_Final_v3” and “Design_Prototype_v2.”  This chaos can derail project timelines and lead to frustration across your team. The good news? Document versioning helps you deal with this. Document

zipBoard integrations
Streamline Your AEC Workflows with zipBoard Integrations and APIs

The construction industry thrives on seamless collaboration and information flow. Yet, fragmented workflows and disconnected data plague AEC projects, leading to inefficiencies, errors, and missed deadlines. Several studies reveal a concerning trend in the construction industry. For instance, PlanGrid’s Construction Disconnected report indicates that 52% of construction projects experience rework due to miscommunication and information

Reduce Friction and Save Time with the New Stamp Feature for PDF Reviews
Reduce Friction and Save Time with the New Stamp Feature

Efficient collaboration, seamless reviews, and time-saving processes are necessary for successful digital asset review processes. At zipBoard, we recognize the challenges that arise during PDF reviews, where time-consuming tasks and friction often hinder productivity and timely decision-making. We’re all about enhancing visual collaboration and helping you – our users save time and reduce several repetitive

A Complete Guide on Creating a Document Approval Workflow
A Complete Guide on Creating an Efficient Document Approval Workflow

Construction, finance, creative, manufacturing, legal, technology, and logistics are but are few of the industries that rely on document approvals workflows to collect feedback and get approval on documents pertaining to their respective fields. Let’s look at 2 examples of documents that need approval for each industry: Construction – submittals, contracts Manufacturing – product designs, specifications


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