As Covid-19 gripped the world, teachers, parents, and students found ways to continue learning. Learn more.
Andy Petroski has been working in the digital learning domain for close to two decades, working in a variety of roles ranging from instructional designer and multimedia producer to project manager and now, as Senior New Product Development Consultant for the Harrisburg University of Science and Technology & as a Partner at Allegro Learning Solutions.
Understanding and tackling the prominent challenges that e-Learning developers face when creating content; with e-Learning continuing to grow rapidly, here’s a look at some of them and what you need to know about dealing with them.
We talked to Erich Renken, an instructional designer at United Educators about how he got into instructional design, his team, his approach to designing courses, and how he keeps up with the latest trends & technology.
If you’re designing an eLearning course, your course is like your baby. The authoring tools used, the design and development strategy, the eLearning framework and the methodology employed, the instructional design practices used — you have to pay attention to every little detail and make sure the eLearning project is in line with the goals laid out
eLearning is a dramatically expanding industry and way too many eLearning courses are pumping into the market every day. But many of the eLearning courses are poorly made. A good eLearning course is all about providing a good user experience and the right content. Here are 6 easy ways to make your eLearning course stand